速報APP / 商業 / VHS Hearing Solutions

VHS Hearing Solutions





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:156A Lenin Sarani, Kolkata - 700 004.

VHS Hearing Solutions(圖1)-速報App

This on-line hearing test offers you an easy, fast way to determine whether you suffer from hearing loss. At the conclusion of the test you will have a printable audiogram that can be used to determine what hearing device can work best for you. Bookmark this page and run this hearing test periodically to monitor your hearing. Please note some of the audio tests tones can be excessively loud if used improperly. To avoid problems, follow the sound level calibration procedure and always begin by playing the quieter files first. Below are the three sections that will take you through the hearing test.

VHS Hearing Solutions(圖2)-速報App

VHS Hearing Solutions(圖3)-速報App

VHS Hearing Solutions(圖4)-速報App

VHS Hearing Solutions(圖5)-速報App